Wednesday, October 3, 2007

CRJ #5

CRJ #5
Emma Goldman was considered, by J. Edgar Hoover, to be one of the most dangerous women in America. This “title” was given to her, I believe, due to the fact that at the time it was given to her, women did not have many (or any at all) rights. As a man, J. Edgar Hoover saw Goldman as a threat. With her very tactic feminist efforts she successfully made many speeches and enlightened many people about the problems in America. She made a clear point to make sure women started to value themselves and know that they are equal to men, especially sexually. She thought that a women should have the right as to what she wanted to do with her body and should not have to have sex or have babies if she did not want to. She succeeded in all of these areas and influenced many feminists, including Margaret Sanger. Throughout Goldman’s life she went though and witnessed many things and this is why, I believe, she was able to be so strong and stand against issues she believed in so well.
In her life not only was she named “most dangerous women in America” but she was also named on of the greatest living women. I believe that this was due to the fact that she did eventually get a lot of recognition for her work and not only helped women with value issues, but also helped men as well. She was all about helping the person who needed help the most, not necessarily just women. I believe that this, the action of caring for the welfare of others over herself, made her get named one of the greatest living women in America.
Women like Goldman really did help pave the way for many feminists today. Her actions, so long ago, make me realize that this person that I am reading about in a book, in a class, in college, actually helped me to be reading this book at college by taking a stand for women and starting a revolution that eventually allowed women, like me, to go to college and get an education. The more I think about that and understand it, the more amazed I am and proud I am to be a women.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good... bring in more topics in your free crjs!